
Giorgio De Pasquale

"I'm a mechanical engineer and professor of Machines Design and Building. 

I head the 'Smart Structures and Systems' Lab at Politecnico di Torino. 

Here are the essentials, more information in the following".

Biella (Italy), July 5 1982


Scopus ID: 23492159700

ORCID: 0000-0002-9507-3960

Linkedin: link

YouTube: link


2010 PhD Summa Cum Laude – Mechanical Eng., Politecnico di Torino. Thesis on “Mechanical design of microsystems: dynamic and fatigue behavior”

2006 MSc Summa Cum Laude – Mechanical Eng., Politecnico di Torino. Thesis on “Design, modeling and characterization of micro-electro mechanical systems”

Current position

2016-on Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino

2018 Full-professorship national habilitation

Previous positions

2011-16 Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino

2013-14 Visiting Researcher, MIT (USA)

2009-11 Research Grant Owner, Politecnico di Torino

2006 Visiting PhD student, University of South Florida (USA)


2011 ASME special mention for the research “Design of electro-mechanical generators with kinetic vibratory energy harvesting on freight trains”

2010 SAPIO award at Chamber of Deputies for the research “Wireless self-powered integrated system for the diagnostics of railway vehicles and structural failure preventions”

2010 MESAP award for best business initiative in the mechatronic field (self-powered sensors for freight trains)


Numerical modeling techniques, MSc Biomedical Eng., Politecnico di Torino

Fundamentals of structural mechanics, BSc Biomedical Eng, BSc Mechanical Eng., Politecnico di Torino

Constructive elements of machines, BSc Mechanical Eng., Politecnico di Torino

Profession-oriented lessons, Engineers Professional Association (Torino)

Supervision of students

2006–on Supervisor/Co-advisor of more than 60 master, undergraduate, and PhD students

University mentor of the Student’s Club “PoliTo Speech Toastmasters” 

Scientific activities

Head of the “Smart Structures and Systems” Lab., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept., Politecnico di Torino

Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Committee member of UNI/CT 529.

Member of the scientific committee of the “Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine” (AMMM) conference.

Member of the scientific committee of the “Design, Testing, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS” (DTIP) conference.

Member of the Italian Association for Stress Analysis (AIAS).

Reviewer for about 20 international journals.

Author of 51 journal papers, 74 national/intern. conference proceedings, 2 book chapters, 1 monograph.  Tot. 50+ oral/poster presentation at national/intern. congresses

Owner and co-owner of 15 patents

H-index: 18 (tot. 933 citations from 624 documents, Scopus – November 2022 )

Main academic collaborations

University of Darmstadt (GER), University of Tohoku (JAP), University of Wien (AUT), Johanneum Research Institute (AUT), Houston Methodist Hospital (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Funded projects

2024 "Lightweight design and co-development of racing gearboxes"

2024 "Dynamic reliability assessment of innovative wing profiles based on metal additive manufacturing"

2022 "Multimaterial airframes based on 3D joints between AM metals and carbon-fiber composites"

2022 "Structural modeling aimed to reliability improvement of rotary furnaces for the cement production"

2022 "DFAM (design for additive manufacturing) and quality control of additive processes for the aerospace sector "

2021 "Functional optimization and performances validation of dental implants"

2021 “Wearable measuring system for rehabilitation trainings in neurological diseases and traumas”

2020 “Flexible sensing system integrated in conveyor belts”

2018 “Design and validation of lightweight mills cutting heads”

2017 “Flexible sensors based on 2D-materials for wearable devices in clinical environments”

2016 “Design and prototyping of active thermal systems in F1 racing suits”

2014 “Microstructures integration to sensors for telemedicine networks”

2013 “Wearable smart fabrics for harvesting power from human body motion”

Research activities and areas

The academic research is addressed to the design, prototyping and validation of smart structures and systems characterized by multi-functionality, integration and advanced performances, in combination with advanced materials and/or fabrication processes. These activities are hosted by the “Smart Structures and Systems” Laboratory

The topics related to the smart structures include high specific strength design, lightweight design, properties transition (functionally graded structures), multi-materials design, cellular/lattice structures and multifunctional components, biomimetics, identification of structural damage and predictive monitoring. 

The topics related to the integrated systems include complex components with environmental adaptability (sensing, actuation and control), flexible components with embedded sensing functions (e-textiles, smart fabrics, and flexible electronics), special performances components (biocompatibility, wearability, etc), sensors integration and smart sensors networking.

The applicative areas of the scientific research include structural parts of ground vehicles, aircrafts and space vehicles, industrial systems and components, wearable systems for the human body, human-machine interfaces (HMIs), multi-material/functionalized components for energy absorption, conveyor belts and flexible components. 

Research disciplines involved:

- additive manufacturing: design, modeling, simulation, and experimental analysis of multifunctional systems, native sensors built inside the metals, cellular/lattice structures, high energy absorption composites/structures, multi-material joints;

- wearable systems and HMIs: development of smart systems with embedded sensing performances based on e-textiles, flexible transducers/electronics for the monitoring of biomechanical parameters. Flexible systems for industrial systems monitoring;

- micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS): static/dynamic response of silicon/metal MEMS, predictive modeling of nonlinear behavior in multi-physical domains, fatigue/thermal fatigue at microscale;

- energy harvesting: conversion of kinetic/vibratory energy of mechanical/biomechanical systems to electric energy for smart structures supply.

Research skills:

- experimental mechanics methods for materials characterization and structural validation, including static and modal analysis, frequency response of structures, fatigue, reliability/endurance, optical and non-destructive methods, homologation procedures for aeronautics/space/F1 racing;

- experimental methods for the electro-mechanical analysis of microstructures and microsystems (MEMS): static coupled characterization, fatigue and thermal fatigue, multiphysical coupling, dynamic response analysis, air film damping, wear, stiction;

- numerical modeling and simulation of multi-physical systems for static/modal/transient/impact analyses, reduced order modeling, homogenization of cellular structures and composites;

- design and set-up of non-conventional tests supported by self-made test benches: real load/displacement profiles reproduction, complex kinematics/biomechanics mimicking, long terms reliability tests in operative conditions;

- theoretical and analytical modeling of static and dynamic behavior of structures, cross-parameters sensitivity analysis, viscoelastic and damping effects associated to structural-fluidic interactions, REV (representative volume element) modeling of cellular structures, biomechanical modeling;

- analysis, setup and calibration of fabrication processes for advanced materials (additive manufacturing methods SLM, EBM, SLA; micromachining: electroplating, etching, photo-polymerization, etc.; composites lamination): analysis of variance (ANOVA), design of experiments (DOE), MTTF, MTBF, process output characterization.