Laser doppler vibrometer
Model: POLYTEC VibroOne
1) Sensor head with HD integrated camera (VIO-I-130-CAM)
Frequency bandwidth: 100 kHz (VIO-BW-100kHz)
Max velocity: ±12 m/s (VIO-Vel-12m/s)
Velocity resolution: ±0.01 m/s (VIO-VelResH)
Max displacement measurement: ±200 mm
Displacement resolution: ±1 μm (VIO-DispResH)
Laser type: Helium Neon (HeNe)
Laser class: Class 2, < 1mW
Laser wavelength: 633 nm
Min stand-off distance: 204 mm
Laser spot at min distance: 31 μm
Field of view at min distance: 16x16 mm
Camera type: CMOS color
Resolution: 1920x1920 pixel
Output video: USB 3.0
2) 10x microscope objective (VIB-A-10xLENS)
Magnification: 10x
Min stand-off distance: 33.5 mm
Laser spot at min distance: 3.0 μm
Field of view at min distance: 1.6x1.6 mm
3) LED illumination unit (VIB-A-511)
4) Front lens adapter (VIB-A-203)
5) Transportation case (VIB-A-CAS17)
6) Standard tripod (VIB-A-T02)
7) Software VibSoft VL